Donate Now To
Change Lives

Donate to Educate

Our education scholarship chooses girls from the most disadvantaged families in Mongola Secondary School and supports them with all school related items to finalise their O-level education. 

Give to take a girl and boy child to school.

Help A Girl Stay In School

Ever year we fundraise to support girls with sanitary products. Give to ensure a girl does not miss school and is able to achieve her academic goals.

Vijana Tunaweza

Help us empower more than 2,000 students in 10 schools in Dar es Salaam through the use of our animation. 

We inform, engage and transform mindsets for the better.

Storytelling For Social Change

Every day we use the power of storytelling to inspire social behavioural change in our community.

Partner with us to have a positive impact.

For more information, contact us
through our email: